How to Combine Multiple Paths in PowerShell


In this blog post, we will show you how to combine multiple paths in PowerShell.

Using Join-Path Cmdlet

You can join paths using Join-Path cmdlet. This cmdlet allows you to combine multiple path segments into a single, well-formed path.

This method is the most recommended way since it handles the path separators correctly and ensures cross-platform compatibility.

The example is as follows:

# Define your path segments
$folderPath = "C:\Users"
$folderName = "Michael"
$fileName = "example.txt"

# Join the path segments
$fullPath = Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath $folderName
$fullPath = Join-Path -Path $fullPath -ChildPath $fileName

# Display the result
Write-Host "$fullPath"

In this example:

  1. We define the individual path segments, such as $folderPath, $folderName and $fileName
  2. We use Join-Path cmdlet to combine these segments into a single path. We start by joining $folderPath and $folderName, and then we join the result with $fileName.
  3. Finally, we display the full path using Write-Host.

The output will be C:\Users\Michael\example.txt.

using join-path to combine multiple paths

Using .NET Framework Path.Combine Method

Since .NET Framework is deeply integrated with PowerShell, you can always resort to built-in library provided by .NET Framework, such as Path.Combine static method that can be used to combine multiple paths.

# Define your path segments
$folderPath = "C:\Users"
$folderName = "Michael"
$fileName = "example.txt"

# Use .NET Path.Combine method to create the path
$fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($folderPath, $folderName, $fileName)

# Display the result
Write-Host "$fullPath"

The output will be the same as before which is C:\Users\Michael\example.txt and this is the second most reliable way to combine paths in PowerShell.

Using String Concatenation

You can concatenate path segments using the + operator.

# Define your path segments
$folderPath = "C:\Users"
$folderName = "Michael"
$fileName = "example.txt"

# Join the path segments using string concatenation
$fullPath = $folderPath + "\" + $folderName + "\" + $fileName

# Display the result
Write-Host "$fullPath"

The output will be the same as before, i.e., C:\Users\Michael\example.txt.

Using String Format

You can also use string formatting to create a path by inserting the path segments into a format string.

# Define your path segments
$folderPath = "C:\Users"
$folderName = "Michael"
$fileName = "example.txt"

# Use string formatting to create the path
$fullPath = "{0}\{1}\{2}" -f $folderPath, $folderName, $fileName

# Display the result
Write-Host "$fullPath"

The output will be C:\Users\Michael\example.txt as before.

Using String Interpolation

PowerShell supports string interpolation which allows you to embed variables directly into double-quoted strings. You can use this feature to join paths.

# Define your path segments
$folderPath = "C:\Users"
$folderName = "Michael"
$fileName = "example.txt"

# Use string interpolation to create the path
$fullPath = "$folderPath\$folderName\$fileName"

# Display the result
Write-Host "$fullPath"

Using String Joining Operator

PowerShell provides the -join operator which you can use to concatenate elements of an array with a specified separator. You can use this operator to join path segments.

# Define your path segments
$folderPath = "C:\Users"
$folderName = "Michael"
$fileName = "example.txt"

# Define your path segments as an array
$pathSegments = @($folderPath, $folderName, $fileName)

# Join the path segments using the -join operator
$fullPath = $pathSegments -join "\" 

# Display the result
Write-Host "$fullPath"


There are many methods that can be used to combine multiple paths in PowerShell. The most reliable methods are using Join-Path cmdlet and .NET Framework Path.Combine Method since it ensures cross-platform compatibility.

The other methods can still be used particularly in specific operating system and for simple cases.