How to Get List of Azure Active Directory Users Using PowerShell


In this blog post, we will walk you through how to get list of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) users using PowerShell.


As of this writing, there are two PowerShell modules that can be used to get Azure AD users.

  1. Az module
    In this module, we can use Get-AzADUser cmdlet.
  2. AzureAD module
    In this module, we can use Get-AzureADUser cmdlet.

It is possible that in the future one of the module will be merged to the other module.

This article requires us to install and connect to appropriate Azure AD tenant first. For complete detail, you can read article how to switch Azure Active Directory tenant.

Using Get-AzADUser cmdlet

To use this command, we must have installed Az module. Then, we connect to our Azure AD tenant or directory.

Install-Module Az


After connect to Azure AD, we can list all available tenants to get TenantId and choose one of them to switch.



Set-AzContext -TenantId bc1c4faa-ed08-429b-a99e-bf30696f78f2

For more detail regarding switching tenant, you can read article how to switch Azure Active Directory tenant.

Anyway, as the last step, we can get list of Azure AD users as follows:


The result will look as follows:


Using Get-AzureADUser cmdlet

To use this command, we must have installed AzureAD module. Then, we connect to our Azure AD tenant or directory.

For more detail regarding switching tenant, you can read article how to switch Azure Active Directory tenant.

Example below specifies TenantId that we get from previous solution because AzureAD module does not have command to list all available tenants.

Install-Module AzureAD

Connect-AzureAD -TenantId bc1c4faa-ed08-429b-a99e-bf30696f78f2

After connect to Azure AD, we can execute Get-AzureADUser cmdlet to get list of Azure AD users in current tenant or directory.


The result will look as follows:



In order to get list of Azure AD users, we can use Get-AzADUser or Get-AzureADUser cmdlet. These cmdlets resides in different module, so we cannot combine them unless we have connected to both of them using Connect-AzAccount or Connect-AzureAD cmdlet.

In case we have multiple tenants, we should switch to correct tenant or directory first before getting the list of Azure AD users.