How to Check Leap Year in PowerShell


In this blog post, we will walk through how to check leap year in PowerShell.


Using System.DateTime Class from .NET Framework

We can use static method from System.DateTime class to check leap year as in following example:

$year = 2024

The output of above script is true because 2024 is a leap year. But, if we change the year to 2018, the output will be false.

check-leap-year-return-true check-leap-year-result

Using arithmetic and logical operator

By definition, a leap year must be divisible by 4 unless the year is divisible by 100 as well but not by 400. So, we can create simple algorithm combining arithmetic and logical operator to check leap year as follows:

$year = 4000
$isLeapYear = $year % 4 -eq 0 -and ($year % 100 -ne 0 -or $year % 400 -eq 0)
Write-Host $isLeapYear

The result of above script is true. However, if the year is changed to 4100, the result will be false because even though 4100 is divisible by 4 and 100, it’s not divisible by 400.



In conclusion, to check leap year in PowerShell we can use IsLeapYear static method from .NET Framework. Besides that, we can also implement simple algorithm from scratch to check leap year.